VETcare Oregon

The VETcare Veterans Home located at 2933 Center St NE, Salem, OR is an excellent facility for helping Veterans in Marion/Polk County who are homeless and those who are re-entering the community after being incarcerated. Veterans who were previously incarcerated and have been mandated to receive court-ordered substance abuse treatment referrals in lieu of time in jail or prison, can do so at our facility. The facility allows us to serve a maximum of 30 Veterans by providing secure housing, life skills training, substance abuse treatment referrals and reintegration programs.
- VETcare Veterans Home – Salem
- Housing for Veterans who are experiencing homelessness
- Substance abuse treatment referrals for Veterans
- Reentry services for formerly incarcerated Veterans
- Life skills training
- Case management and advocacy
- Mental health services
- Homeless Veteran Reintegration Program (HVRP) Employment Services
- SSG Fox Suicide Prevention Program
Explore Our Programs
VETcare programs provide safe and supportive gender-responsive trauma-informed services to male Veterans experiencing homelessness.
VETcare Success Stories

Ivan is a US Army Veteran who served as a 35G Geospatial Imagery Analyst (G.I.S). He served four years at Fort Campbell, Kentucky where he met and married his wife. He deployed for nine months to Nangarhar, Afghanistan, where he helped pick out helicopter landing zones for Blackhawks and assisted Apaches with gun tape to ensure everything was done by rules of engagement.