VETcare Transitional Program provides a unique opportunity for homeless male Veterans to become self-sufficient. In a structured, safe, and supportive environment, clients will receive client-centered case management services and life skills training to return to independent living, increased self-determination, and employment.
The home has a 30 bed occupancy with shared bathrooms and shower facilities. There are laundry facilities on site as well as a full commercial kitchen and dining room for guests to enjoy meals and conversation. Case management is provided for each Veteran to ensure progress is being made towards their individual goals. If needed, in-house mental health assessment and referrals can be provided to help the healing process begin and enable our Veterans served to start working through any emotional issues that may have resulted in them becoming homeless.
While clients work towards their goals and objectives, they will be referred additional service that may include traditional Chemical Dependency treatment and 12-step orientation and Behavioral Health Counseling. Portland and Salem VA Health Care Facilities will provide medical treatment for those clients who qualify for VA Healthcare. If ineligible for VA Healthcare, clients will be expected to apply for medical coverage through Oregon Health Plan or obtain medical insurance through their employer.